Maximum Capacity Clip Rack | 8-Sided Wire Clipper Rack | Made in USA | Midway Displays, Inc.
  1. 144 Clipper and Custom Retail Floor Spinners
144 Clipper and Custom Retail Floor Spinners
Custom Yellow Clipper and Custom Hook Clipper

144 Clipper and Custom Retail Floor Spinners

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

two 72 clip rack assemblies, maximum capacity floor merchandiser
Merchandiser Style: Maximum Capacity Retail Clipper Spinner
Feature: Packs 32 Cartons Per Skid
Feature: Patent #D479059 | Fold-Flat Snap-Open Open | Pack Small Does Big Things

144 Clipper® Floor Spinner and Customized Clipper Racks    

To immediately purchase quantities under 25 click here:  buy now button

Even if you are not looking for a Maximum Capacity Clipper® Merchandiser this page will show you how easy it is to take our stock components and make a small tweak that becomes the solution you've been looking for! The image to your right perfectly illustrates how easily this is accomplished.

1st image 144 Clipper | We adapted our existing 2-sided 9 clip assembly component to fit 4 creating what would be considered the powerhouse of Clipper Racks, 36 additional clips and it still fits in the same carton as our 108 Clip merchandiser. 

2nd image 108 Clipper | By simply powder coating our in-stock 54 Clipper rack assemblies and 63" pole sets a custom yellow and molding a custom color 18" octagon base and applying labels you  have a retail merchandiser that will elevate your brand in quality and presentation from your competitors.

3rd image 128 Hook Spinner Rack | We replaced the standard clip with a hook to create a compact off-the-shelf beverage merchandiser for the new innovative pouch drinks.

Brand innovations will always need new merchandising solutions. Call us today as we love to innovate!  Our deep foundation of retail merchandising systems will readily provide a fast and economical solution for you!

Floor and Counter Clipper® Displays for Immediate Purchase Click HERE.

Volume Price Discounts begin at 25 and up, Call Today 708-563-2323!  If time allows inquire through our online CONTACT FORM.

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