Graphic Panel Sets For Knockdown Freestanding Displays

Graphics! The single most important component to set your display above the rest and Midway has them!

Each knockdown merchandiser has a specific set of die-lines that securely clip in to place. Please call our customer service at 708-563-2323 x235 to request your die-lines. You can also fill out our Contact Form. We have found that it is less expensive for our customers to order their own graphic sets when purchasing 75 sets or less.


graphic set example for FVM5SHELFWHexample of graphic set for FVM5UHBGRWHExample graphic set for FVM5SHELF22graphic example 6 pack rack DFM4SHELF1Sample of graphic set wine rack DFM9SHELFgraphic set sample for BAKERY RACKGraphis set sample for rack DFM5SHELFDFM4SHELF 1Liter rack

5 Piece Graphic Panel Sets Offer Marketing Solutions for All Your Branding Needs!

Whether you select a rack that is single-sided, or double-sided, stationary, or mobile, compact or increased capacity, graphics are what broadcasts your brand and marketing message.

Our 5-Piece Graphic Panel Set offers you generous space for your marketing solutions. As mentioned above we explain how to obtain your set of die-lines to start designing and branding your Full-view® Display Rack.

example of grahics on pet display, can wine display, and empty metal shelf case rack

image showing how graphic sets secure to display