6-Tier Mobile Snack Display | Flat Shelves | Made In USA
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6-Tier | Full-View® | Standard 15
Retailers will love the ease of being able to change product placement at will!

6-Tier | Full-View® | Standard 15" Width

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

Two sizes of shelves used to create versatile 6-tier in-aisle merchandiser.
Merchandiser Style: Single-Sided Full-View Mobile Retail Rack
Feature: Small Retail Footprint Yields Big Point of Sale Impact
Feature: Relocate Fully Stocked Display Capturing Peak Sales Periods!
Feature: Standard 15" W Frame Accommodates Most Capacity Needs!
Feature: Header and Graphic Panel Options for your Product Branding and Marketing

6-Tier Freestanding Display with Wheels | Made in USA

15" Wide Metal Display Rack | 3 Top Shelves 14 3/4" Wide x 6 3/4" Deep | 3 Bottom Shelves 17" Wide x 7 3/4" Deep

If you are looking for a mixed component rack with hooks and shelves, in need of large quantities of displays and graphic sets, please contact us for quotes and lead times. You can also browse the entire Full-View® Category. Reach out for assistance by phone from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST 708-563-2323 or thru our contact form.

Consumers love their salty snacks! Many salty snacks are packaged in stick-pack packaging then loaded into shelf ready POP displays. These cartoned consumer product goods are easy to stock on Midway Displays sturdy off-the-shelf merchandiser. Our snack display shown above is a perfect example of stocking shelf-ready caddie products.

Increase your sales success with Midway Displays 6 Tier Full-View® snack display rack. Our fully adjustable shelf placement allows you to stock multiple package sizes and styles. Full-View® merchandisers knockdown and assemble quickly. The wheeled base enables you to move the fully stocked display to any store location.

Our Full-View® Collection is one of the most popular off-the-shelf component systems for all the above reasons!