Increased Capacity Retail Rack Hanging and Shelved Options | Midway displays, Inc.
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  4. Increased Capacity Retail Rack | 22" Wide | Hooks & Shelfs
Increased Capacity Retail Rack | 22
High Capacity with High Impact is created utilizing the new components for our Increased Capacity Full View Merchandiser.

Increased Capacity Retail Rack | 22" Wide | Hooks & Shelfs

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

High capacity in-aisle merchandiser for the combined presentation of hanging and shelved merchandise.
Merchandiser Style: In-Aisle Display
Feature: Adjustable shelf and hang bar placement allows you to stock multiple package sizes and styles.
Feature: Large format graphic panel options for your product branding and marketing message
Feature: Made and Packed in the USA: Manufactured in Chicago with High-Quality American Materials.
Feature: The ability to strategically promote your product near Point Of Sale check-out inspires impulse purchases.

Increased Capacity In-Aisle Display | Hanging & Shelved Options

Create high capacity with high impact utilizing these new components for our Increased Capacity Full View Merchandiser.  The larger shelf and hook bar designed with graphic clips, accommodate our newest and most popular feature, the ability to add your branding and marketing message to the merchandiser. Ready to develop your custom-sized merchandiser? Our knowledgeable sales staff loves to design retail merchandisers from stock components that will easily fit into C-store, supermarket, and specialty retail locations. 

For help in designing your impactful retail merchandiser call (708) 563-2323 if time allows inquire through our ONLINE CONTACT FORM.

We currently offer several In-stock Full-View® merchandisers for immediate purchase.