Freestanding Retail Floor Base | 4 Point Floor Base for Retail Pole Displays | Made in USA | Midway Displays, Inc.
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Knock Down Base | 4 Point Floor Base for Retail Pole Displays
Stock Knock Down Base, 4 Point KD Base

Knock Down Base | 4 Point Floor Base for Retail Pole Displays

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

Knock Down 21" & 26" 4 Leg Retail Floor Base
Merchandiser Style: 4-Point Base for Freestanding Retail Displays
Feature: Our Most Economical Freestanding Retail Floor Base
Feature: 21" & 26" Both Accommodate a 1" Pole Exclusively.
Feature: 26"Accommodates 1" and 1 1/4" Pole
Feature: Ability to Place Base with Pole Stand Display Near Point Of Sale Check-out to Inspire Impulse Purchases
Feature 5 Volume Price Breaks Starting as Low as a Quantity of 55 bases - 1 Carton

4-Point Economical and Stable Retail Base | 4 Leg Pole Stand

Midway Displays KD Knock Down Base is compact in size, lightweight, and our most economical freestanding retail floor base in-stock. These most popular freestanding displays; 60 Clipper® Floor Spinner, 4-Tier H-Rotor Floor Spinner and the 3-Tier Hook & Rotor Floor Spinner, are used with our KD knock down base. See image to your right. Looking for a paper wrapped pole base visit our patented Fiber Pole Foot.

21" & 26" Both Accommodate a 1" Pole Exclusively.
Pieces/Carton 55, Carton Dimensions 19 1/2" x 17 3/8" x 11"
Carton Weight 34 lbs, Cartons/Skid 24, Class Rate 70

26"Accommodates 1" and 1 1/4" Pole
Pieces/Carton 55, Carton Dimensions 23 1/2" x 19 1/2" x 14 3/4"
Carton Weight 50 lbs, Cartons/Skid 16, Class Rate 85

Call for Estimates 708-563-2323 or Inquire On-line  CONTACT FORM