Display Part for Retail Spinner Displays | H-Rotor Hook Shelf for Off The Shelf Merchandising | Midway Displays, Inc.
  1. 8 Hook H-Rotor
8 Hook H-Rotor
Fixed Position 8 Hook H-Rotor, 2 Sided Rotating Tier

8 Hook H-Rotor

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

Merchandiser Style: Rotors
Accommodates Package Widths Up to 5 1/4". Quickly and easily adjust the placement of the H-Rotor to accommodate the length of your product with the plastic support clip which can be tightened with your hand.

View a variety of H-Rotor and Hook & Rotor Merchandisers here H-Rotor Spinner Displays

Links to Display Component Options:
Display Pole Sets
Stock Plastic Floor Bases

For Immediate Purchase We Offer a 4-Tier 6 Hook Version for Quantities of 25 and under.
4-Tier 6 Hook, H-Rotor Online Store

For Volume Price Discounts Call Today!

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