Countertop Spinner Display | Off The Shelf Merchandising | Midway Displays, Inc.
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Countertop Spinner Rack | 3-Tier Hook & Rotor White
Off the shelf merchandising made easy with Hook & Rotor display components.

Countertop Spinner Rack | 3-Tier Hook & Rotor White

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

Small footprint 3 tier countertop spinner display
Merchandiser Style: Countertop Retail Display

3-Tier Point of Purchase Retail Countertop Spinner Rack

Midway Display's claim that "Versatility sets us apart!" clearly exemplifies itself with their Hook & Rotor component display system. So many combinations are possible with their in-stock Hook & Rotor components. These component display parts include four different plastic rotors, 7 hook styles with multiple sizes, a variety of pole sets and bases that offer an almost endless solution to your merchandising needs. Toggle through the tabs above to become your own merchandising pro.

Novas' Merchandiser is just a single example of the versatility provided with our Hook & Rotor display parts. Novas' therapeutic hand squeeze balls and stars countertop spinner display was created with the following Hook & Rotor display components:

(2) SuperMax 12™ (8 1/4" Diameter) | 12 Available Hook Positions, see "Component Options" tab above

(12) 4" Ball End Hooks
(1) Max 8™ (6 1/4" Diameter) | 8 Available Hook Positions, see "Component Options" tab above
(4) 6" Ball End Hooks
(1) 1" x 25" Zinc Plated Pole | Many Options to Choose From, see "Pole Sets In-Stock" tab above for details
(1) White Sign Clip | Sign Clips Stocked in White, Black and Clear
(1) 9" White Plastic Counter Base  | Custom Colors and Branding Available, "Base Styles" tab above

Click below to purchase our 2-Tier Hook & Rotor countertop display available in white & black components

2-Tier Counter Spinner Online Store Option

Call or contact us online for help designing your merchandiser. We specialize in merchandising solutions for all Consumer Packaged Goods(CPG's) in food, beverage and manufactured products.   708-563-2323 or online CONTACT FORM