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5-Tier Plastic Bin & Hook Rotor Combination Pet Display
5 Tier, Combination Dump Merchandiser

5-Tier Plastic Bin & Hook Rotor Combination Pet Display

QUOTES: 708.563.2323

Rawhide pet treat display created with hook & rotor and clear bins, point of sales merchandiser.
Merchandiser Style: Rotor & Plastic Dump Bin Spinner Rack

Combining Max8™ Rotors with 16” Clear Plastic Bins clearly illustrates how our merchandising component systems bring our motto for years to life! “Versatility Sets Us Apart!”  The solutions to your merchandising needs are at our fingertips. We have 5 classifications of component systems that can all be interchanged to create the perfect merchandiser for your brands retail needs. This 5-Tier Retail Spinner Rack is a perfect solution to merchandising loose bulk items with it's packaged counter parts. Please call for details. Mixed Component Displays are available in orders of 25 or More.

5-Tier Pet Rawhide Bulk Merchandiser Is Created With:

(2)   Max 8™ Rotors
(12) 8" J-Hooks
(1)  Zinc Plated Pole Set: 1" x 61"
(3)   Plastic Dump Bins 16" Dia. x 10" Deep
(1)   Snap-Out 24" Metal Base
For Immediate Purchase of Select Tray & Bin Displays Click the BuyNow Button

For estimates on a merchandiser configured with in-stock components call 708-563-2323 or inquire online CONTACT FORM