Retail Full-View® Merchandiser Accessory | Universal Hook Bar | Made In USA
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Black Powder Coated Wire Metal Hook Bar

24" Universal Hook Bar | Create Additional Tiers on Full-View Displays

On-Line Store Price: $9.95
Metal Wire Bar for Hooks used on retail displays.
Part Number: FVMUHB24B
Feature: Universal Hook Bar Creates Tiers for Various Grid Hooks
Feature: Use with Scanner Flip Hooks, and Bucket/Jar Hook (See Examples Under Related)
Feature: Made and Packed in USA | Manufactured with Quality American Materials

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Universal Hook bar available for single purchase to increase your number of tiers and your Full-View Merchandiser’s stocking capacity.

Price Discounts Begin at 25 and up. Please Call 708-563-2323 or fill out CONTACT FORM for details.

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